Friday, 18 September 2009


This new grim reaper was full sized scale. Remember there are NO wooden or metal supports, NO mesh wire, NO plastic tubes or anything remotely similar holding this guy up. It's all down to simple toilet roll inner tubes taped together to form the spine then simple engineering skills & creative tape & rolled news paper webbing to create the lower robe. Then 8 layers of news print covered in one 3mm layer of my Dragon Skin TM I promise you i lie not. As i said once recently to someone not everyone lies online. But see for yourself here are some images from the build.

Once the webbing to make the robe was dry i cut & shaped it easily adding the leg definitions.

A quick rib cage shaping followed.

Then the skull & cowl were added.

Just like the wall mounted reaper the skull was fixed to the inside top of the hood then the supporting tube spine burried to make the skull look like it was floating free inside the hood.

A helping hand is always welcom lol.

A 1mm coating of my Dragon Skin TM makes what few layers of paper i actually ever use super strong. A single coating is as strong as 15/20 layers of news print.

The hands & feet were built the same way i did for my wall mounted version further down the page.

I removed the arms to re-adjust the position here.

You can see the floating skull effect better here.

Sadly there are no pictures of the final build. He was stored in our garden shed once built. Before I could take any more pictures a local moron set fire to some rubbish bags stacked against our shed door. When the fire brigade came they ripped off the shed door & before we could rescue grim they sprayed the whole shed inside with high powered hoses. Even though it WAS obviouse the fire had not spread inside the shed. Whilst grim survived the soaking without any structural damage the dragon skin when wet after drying cracks. The more you soak it the more you can create a wonderful cracked effect. Whilst this creates a marvelous dragon skin effect imagine what 3 minutes of high pressure fire water hose can do, it was too much to repair on this sculpture. So i simply tore it apart & scrapped it. 3 months work for nothing in the end thanks to some local 12 year old little (place curses here as appropreiate to my mood at the time - severely extreme) moron getting his priomaniac rocks off!.


  1. excellent work Jonty!cool body armature!that picture worth more than 1000 words!thank you for sharing!sadly the uniform black finish hides a lot from the stunning details on the cowl.have you tried dry paintbrushing over?i've learned that from Stolloween and i used it on my beads.

  2. sorry Jonty.i've just red about the reapers no final pictures.than excuse me.maybe you've used on the dry brush.:)
