Saturday, 3 July 2010


Things around here have been more hectic than ever, trust me i am understating it. Try as i like i think i am going to have to totally give up on deadlines & scheduals.  Whenever i think i might be on top of things, well things get on top of each other then me. Things will improve around here soon though that i can promise & regular posting WILL resume i promise you lol. Many people state they never have enough time to do everything they planned, in my case i have too much of it but i use it up way too quickly anyway lol. I finally have some good news on one battle front though.

After many delays & set backs i 'finally' got my bank changed, being in a wheelchair for 'outside' meant i couldn't go to the bank to change over until someone took me which meant i couldn't sell anything online until this point in time. I have a weak left shoulder (amongst other physical & dibilitaing problems) which means i can only push myself short distances & need help in the wheelchair outside the house - That being my wife & registered carrer. Sadly my wifes own physical mobility is now under question. We know she is having mobility problems it's just a case of how much longer can she get around herself unaided & push me too. Sadly i could not get my banks changed as she had to come to to make it a joint account so she could access my account when i couldn't get out. NOW i can finally get to selling some work once i set up a PayPal/Ebay account etc lol. Saying that i have around 10+ things probably more just guessing off the top of my head for now  i want to start my selling carrear with. The things i make here on my blog & HOW TO video's are 'mostly' just to show techniques etc, what i personally classify as well 'rubbish stuff' really. Low grade work, not very high end 90% of those will never be sold. Some are never painted as they are only for HOW TOO's etc.

The 'main' items i am making for selling are more, well, supreme items. Made to be both useful, functuional & to a higher working finish. To begin with a few easy to produce (amongst other items) large ornimental dishes & bowls & vases. Some of which will have paper mache embossed dragons on & painted with a version of my dragon skin that 'cracks' with super fine cracks that if painted just right will make the vases look ancient even at close up inspection lol.

Of course some of the things i was making & have actually finished ready to sell need repairng thanks to my careless family but thats all part & parcel of being an artist with a (careless) family i guess lol. I might need help setting up prices for what i am going to sell so i was thinking of posting some pictures here. If anyone can possibly take a look & give me some pricing idea's i would apprieciate it? More on that when i have everything finished though.

Right back to it much to do, i still have to finish current HOW TO projects, videos, projects for friends/family as well as the projects for selling too lol.


  1. Hi Jonty...Its good to hear your going to put some art on ebay soon...i've sold a few ghosts recently....i did get some extra interest with a couple commission projects...i've been straight out busy...your footstool project looks cool...i'm going to try a couple REALLY DIFFERENT projects wheels have been spinning...i found an old mechanical witch at a yard sale and she's got great bones but a crappy costume...i think Witchy is going under the knife real soon...hee hee

  2. adelesspookyart: I was going to get the foot stool finished today (Sunday), but!. My two youngest who use my PC have screwed it up gain. I am only online now as i have popped in a spare HDD (Hard Drive) to transfer files onto from my working HDD. So i can then format it repair it then install everything again. So i won't be getting anything finished this weekend 'again' it seems - Life aaaaagh!!.

    Yes it will be good to start selling things instead of watching my wreckless family wrecking everything as per normal lol. Very, very soon now lol. News on what& when very soon.

  3. Hey Jonty! Just dropping by to check on you. I haven't heard from you lately and am a bit worried about you. Is your computer still on the fritz? Are you okay?

  4. Moriah (MLB Studios): Sorry hun see new post for what & why.
