Friday, 1 October 2010


I have always intended, well for some time now on making  DVD's of my HOW TO video's. The original plan was in fact to make high grade video HOW TO's compiled on DVD but this was not going to happen until after i build a new PC & get better video recording equipment/lighting. The new PC build was always planned for 'after' this coming new year (2011). In advance how ever i am discovering that a lot of people are still using dial up & don't have access to places like YouTube etc as readily as most of us do.

So both with the fact that many people have not yet seen a single one of my 'current' HOW TO video's combined with a fact finding mission to see just how popular this venture may actually be considering all the ready out there information there is be it free online, DVD's, books. blogs etc. I am currently as time allows me since video editing is a time consuming task even when you know what your doing, re-editing ALL my current 5/10 minute HOW TO video's as can be currently seen on YouTube into single stand alone video's which can then be accessed from a simple menu, AKA standard DVD video selection.

Owing to a faulty hard drive where ALL my original HOW TO video files had been stored crashing before i could finish backing them up to CD i had to resort to downloading many of my own damn videos from YouTube, around 1/3rd of them in fact. I NOW have all my missing pieces ready to start editing them. I do have one more single hurdle to get over at this point before i can begin work. YouTube is now by default storing ALL video files uploaded by the public in MP4 format. Now whilst this IS a better format allowing for HD playback etc not everyone has MP4 playback codec capability just yet, myself included. So with this in mind i am going to need some time to re-code these files back down to MP2/3 format so the general public who don't keep up with modern fast tracking technology simply because the large money grabbing companies think we 'should' because they deem it so. Again myself included in this group of people.

The  re-coding in itself is going to take me at least a week (time allowing) to do so. When i am finished how ever i will be packing as many full single stand alone project video's onto a single DVD(s) as possible. Now this/these early trial run DVDs will not come in commercial style cases nor will they have fancy high end printed DVD labels on them either (I need to purchase a new direct DVD label printing printer my current RS200 in down & out lol) that will come later. Many of these early HOW TO video's were filmed using a then crappy web cam alongside sometimes poor lighting. Eventually i did begin using a better camera (my Sony PSP 3000) but still often had to fight with crappy lighting conditions. One or two of the early HOW TO video's are also only slide show format, but the majority are full video's of the projects from start to finish & come as complete HOW TO information anyone may require when starting out in this art form. So with all this in mind these 'early' versions WILL be priced as low as i can make them simply to try to recoupe some costs for the blank DVDs, plastic sleeves & production time, somewhere around £10.00 ($18.00, 14 Euros etc) i will also be making the P&P inclusive too.

So to round this post off. I will be looking for a couple of DVD 'testers' for  both the UK & European formats.  Now i don't want dozens of testers here just say two per regional format. The testers WILL be sent FULL versions of at leat one DVD. I may not get all my current HOW TO's on a single DVD & may have to do them in single sets ie: DVD 1, DVD 2 etc. Full news on this later including when people can formally request to be a tester too once work is completed.

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