Thursday, 28 October 2010


Well as always (you'd think i'd have learnt by now) my plans got scuppered again. I would normally simply radiator dry anything i need dried in a hurry especially any pulp batches i use now & then mercifully a rare thing. Being well into the last stages of autumn now the weather here in the UK is growing much colder, more this year than normal it seems too. A great time if not the best for radiator drying for me. Sadly a little while back my wife B (Barbara) started going through the change of life as we call it here. Now 48 she started at mid 47 doing so.

Now as most women who have gone through this stage in life will know you can suffer many stages of irritating & awkward side effects. As it would happen B's main side effect is constantly being hot. You guessed it we rarely have the radiators on no matter how cold it gets here. Now do not get me wrong my darling wife has every bit of sympathy & understanding from all of us, but it takes at least two of us complaining that we are freezing cold &can almost see the cold breath leaving our mouths as we breath on a night time before she moans & gives in allowing us to put the central heating on. As a result i have from yesterday had to resort to oven drying my two pulp batches. To make things worse the larger of our two part oven cooker has died leaving us with the smaller oven/grill section to work with. So not only is the drying process a slow going thing i can only dry a small tray full at a time.

I have only just today (about ten minutes ago) finished stage two of the glossy magazine pulp which i started on yesterday & am around half way through the oven drying of the inner tube pulp now. I have another two tray fulls to oven dry then i can get to the final (second stage) on it today with some small amount of luck. So i am hoping to get to mixing up some test batches of pulp/plaster mix tomorrow. I am not however making any promises here or to myself not the way things tend to end up going for me lol.

More soon. 


  1. I can totally relate to your post...But, your very fortunate if she's just having Hot Flashes...I'm going thru this too and all sharp instruments must be kept under lock and key at my home...SpOOky Dreams...Chuckle Chuckle....

  2. adelesspookyart: Just before she began going through the change i used to joke that i hoped she'd show signs of kleptomania then bring me nice things we couldn't afford everytime she went shopping. I used to also say "Don't worry if you got arrested just scream at them your going through the change early, they'll soon let you leave with the goods" lol. Saddly just the overheating problem & loss of sleep because of it showing so far.

    Oh well i can dream eh lol.
