Work on the unfinished Troll Screamers shown above as well as several NEW Troll Screamers will resume soon. I have several body parts ready to go for the new creations.

Thursday, 8 April 2010


My PC has been playing silly billies with me this last week so have a lot of catching up to do.  I am STILL installing software & won't be back online until tomorrow fully. But should be online later for a while. For any blog updates i have missed so far give me a little time guys & i will get to you.


  1. We've been getting the black and blue screens lately on and off. We did just add an external hard drive the other day for insurance until we're forced to buy a new computer.
    Hope all goes well with yours :)

  2. Caroline; Luckily it was just bad sectors on the HDD (Hard Drive) i instaled whe i built this PC a while back, that & my two youngest (Megan & Phillip) corupting the PC visiting & downloading from places the shouldn't be going near (bad sites with trojans etc).

    To top that off the problems on the HDD to begin with made an upgrade to IE8 unstable.

    Luckily i had a 160GB HDD (Hard Drive)laying around from another failed PC that works for now. Mind you it was a 400GB i had to scrap. I can replace the 400GB HDD for around £80 (pounds UK Sterling) but i want to build a whole NEW PC soon as i can so won't be putting in a bigger HDD here right now.
